Benevolence and Beauty

When I talk to people about my visions for the future and technology, nearly everyone will warn me with a myriad of threats and challenges nested deeply in a core belief system that humans are capable of so much more corruption than love. I disagree. I believe that we are shifting from a world whose […]

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Compassion as a practice of shifting focus from the self on to another

Emily Dickinson was perplexed by this notion that access to truth has two dimensions, which she referred to as circumscription and circuitry. Circumscription refers to the outer reaches of what we as humans can possibly understand about the cosmos, the universe, and ultimate truth. The circuit refers to our individual existence, and the scope of […]

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Empathizing with Difference

In a 2010 study entitled ‘How do we empathize with someone who is not like us? A functional magenetic resonance imaging study’, Lamm, Meltzoff, and Decety measured empathic neural circuits and connectivity coding for somatosensory, affective, and cognitive aspects of the perception of pain in similar and dissimilar others. Participants in a functional magnetic resonance […]

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Reinforcing Concern and Compassion Versus Distress and Fatigue in Empathic Responses to Psychosocial Stress

This is an early post to gather ideas about a project proposal I am developing. My goal is to distinguish underlying processes and and response patterns in empathic distress and empathic concern/compassion. Batson, Fultz, and Schoenrade (1987) regard empathic distress and empathic concern as two qualitatively distinct emotional responses to another person that also produce […]

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